We are ,, A.I.D. – the contact point for Islam and Diversity ‘‘, a Berlin-based pilot and lighthouse project that promotes the synopsis of Islam and diversity.
With a diverse and colorful program and political commitment, we want to make it clear to the outside world that these two fields can be considered together. Yes, that they should even be thought of together socially! Because it is precisely at this interface that there is great potential: On the one hand, we oppose a fundamentalist, radical and ultimately politically motivated interpretation of the Koran. We want to oppose those loud and rabid voices that they have not leased the interpretation of this world religion for themselves. Even more, that the majority of Muslims live their spirituality for themselves and in peace and harmony with their environment. We will give a voice to this compassionate interpretation.
On the other hand, the synopsis of Islam and diversity provides the queer scene with an enrichment of lived faith. Often our ideas are initially barred from being able to think of belief in God paired with a deviation from heteronormativity at all. Well we know better; -) And together we want to bring our voices into the world and shout:
,, We are Muslim, we are queer – thank God! ‘‘
We live in a diverse society that will only fully develop when equality and participation of all people no longer have to be demanded on flags and banners and no one has to be afraid of being discriminated against on the basis of their race, religion or sexual identity and to be marginalized, let alone to fear his / her physical well-being.
Our team will shortly introduce itself! =)