Interreligious dialogue In Islam there is a commitment to peace and thus to dialogue. Two forms of dialogue can be distinguished. Interreligious dialogue means to enter into dialogue with representatives of other religions. It differs from the inner-religious dialogue, where the talks take place within the same religion, usually between representatives of different currents. In …
Position paper on mixed-gender Friday prayers The Ibn Rushd-Goethe Mosque represents the common prayer of the sexes based on our social experiences, the constitution and historical sources from the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad. In the Koran itself there is no mention of a ban on mixed-gender praying. Our European reality of life is consistently …
In a first position paper, the Ibn Rushd-Goethe mosque dealt with the question of divorce in Islam. Quite often we receive inquiries and especially the divorce law for women is of great interest to many people. The paper outlines how our community deals with divorce, what Qur’anic verses we base our decision on, and what …